Celebrating Milestones: Reaching 500 Followers on Facebook

Reaching 500 followers on Facebook is a significant milestone that many aspire to achieve. In this blog post, we’ll explore the journey, the strategies employed, and the joy that comes with building a community of 500 supporters.

  1. The Beginning of the Journey: We initially started the page as a digital footprint of our travels for our own future reference and for our friends and family to following along on our travels.
  2. Content is King: Some creators tend to appeal to what is popular or profitable.  We chose to keep our page on focusing on our travel finds, popular sites and hidden gems along with some of our goofy antics.
  3. Consistency Pays Off: We had to get better at being consistent with posting.  When we first started the page we were posting sporadically and our follower count stayed stagnant. We started following the recommendations of Meta and posting 2-3 times a week to keep our friends, family and followers up-to-date on what we were doing.
  4. Engaging with the Audience: We made an effort to connect with followers, respond to comments, and actively engage with the RV community.
  5. Strategic Use of Facebook Features: We joined other full-time RV groups and followed other content creators with similar visions.  We also began publishing more reels and shorts along with full length video on YouTube.
  6. Collaborations and Shoutouts: We had other fellow content creators such as In the Moment Travels and Mile High Beach who gave us advice on our journey.   Their knowledge, support and advice was invaluable.
  7. Challenges Along the Way: We faced many months of numbers that didn’t move and the frustration of posting a reel or video that we felt was some of our best work, only to have less than 100 views.  We stuck to it and realized that sometimes the algorithms just do what they do and it may not have anything to do with our content and more about the time we posted, hashtags or title hooks.  
  8. Gratitude to Followers: We are genuinely appreciative for the 500 people who chose to follow our journey.  Although 500 may seem small and insignificant to others,  We consider it an honor that so many people chose us.

We are excited to share many more adventures as we navigate new states for us and discover more hidden gems and national wonders.  Thank you for being such a wonderful community!